Market Manager – Wholesale and Retail Market Management Software – Reviews
Birmingham Wholesale Market
Market Manager were approached by Birmingham Wholesale Market who wanted to improve safety standards at their Market as well as reduce costs. Market Manager worked closely with the Market to understand their current systems, procedures and issues and use this insight to tailor Market Manager to them. This not only meant easier, more straightforward recording, it also reduced administration and saved costs overall.
Andrew Barnes, Manager of Birmingham Wholesale Market explains why Market Manager has been so good for them
‘Market Manager gives us a combined solution to manage all soft and hard services provided by our external contractors. This ranges from notifications for enforcement, risk management and provides a singular portal to record issues and situations in real time. It helps with essential analysis across the market, this saves time compared to having to use multiple reporting as it is a singular system with easy access to monitor and provide reports. The other key benefit for us was that you don’t need any specialist equipment to operate.’
Bradford Markets
Market Manager worked with Bradford Markets on the inception of the Market Manager system, focusing on their objective to improve customer service and digitalise their Health and Safety reporting. With careful consideration to user experience and effective logging and reporting, the pioneering Market Manager system was created.
The web-based system allowed Bradford markets staff and traders to instantly log and report issues such as trip hazards, poor waste storage and disposal, sub-standard cleaning or housekeeping and maintenance problems. All incidents including photographs are logged via a mobile device which are automatically sent to traders and markets management. The system allows the Council’s Markets Service to remotely review all incidents and where necessary take action against persistent or repeat offenders.
Historically, reporting such incidents could involve time-consuming site visits, record checking and administration. By logging issues in real time, Market Manager significantly reduces this process.
Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “This brilliant new software will improve the customer experience, enhance safety, cut administration times and reduce costs.
“It’s part of the council’s ongoing commitment to improve the health and safety and risk management of our indoor markets which already offer very high standards of safety and service.”